Wednesday 21 April 2010

4 more sleeps...

Oh my word, 4 more sleeps till the big day (or as I'm sure it'll turn out 3 more broken sleeps and one night of utter terror until the big day!)

I haven't updated the blog in a while, this is mainly due to bad internet service at home but also as I have had a few niggles of late so was feeling slightly worried about the whole thing!

Since I last wrote, after my 22 miler, I have completed one long run, a 13 miler (after suffering a touch of man flu) and then the weekend just gone was supposed to be a 10 miler but unfortunately my right knee was playing up throughout the 13 miler and took a good few days for the swelling to subside so I only went out for a 4 miler. Other than that I have been in the gym. Last night was my last run another 4 miler and that's it now.

It feels weird.

The other thing I have achieved since I last wrote on the blog was my fundraising target! Today it looks very likely that I'll hit the £2000 mark by the end of all this which is fantastic and has made this so worthwhile!

My task for the next few days is to rest my legs and eat carbs. Funnily enough I don't think I'll have a problem following this training plan!

Things to do before the big day... I have ironed my name onto my running vest, I have washed my running kit & I have written a list of things to pack for the day. I just need to get packing once my kit is dry! Me and Heather (who is running for the RSPCA) are staying at a hotel in London the night before. This is probably a bad thing as we are both nervous and sure to make each others nerves worse all night! We have decided that after registering for our running numbers on Saturday morning we are going to spend the afternoon in the cinema (stops us talking about the marathon and hopefully will take our minds off the mammoth task ahead!)

The final thing I need to do is (well run 26.2 miles) but also to enjoy the day. I still don't feel comfortable about this as I know I haven't actually enjoyed any organised run before but I need to keep a positive head and if possible just take it all in as I run along, the London Marathon is a great day out as a spectator, the atmosphere is immense so I'm hoping I will feel the same whilst being a runner!

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