Monday 26 April 2010

I did it!!!

Oh my word, that was so hard! Hardest thing I have ever done. I finally passed the finish line at 5hrs 11 which is slightly disappointing for me as I really wanted to do it under 5 hrs, but it was just an achievement finishing as I thought it would never end!

Some of the miles flew by and up until about mile 14 I was running strong and on for well under 5 hours, but then I just started feeling sick and it got to the point where I had to stop running as I felt like would hurl. Unfortunately I felt like that for the next 6 miles so so couldn't take on energy gels or any jelly babies or sweets that people were handing out, and the smell of all the BBQs just seemed so strong and made me feel so nauseous it was awful! But I kept running and walking when I felt too sick to run for the whole of the second half of the run.

Annoyingly once you start walking that's when injuries and things kick in and my IT band on my right leg (never been a problem before) went. So I was limping the last 6 miles, with my achilles on the left killing me too, probably as my left leg was over compensating. Sometimes I was able to ignore the pain but not for long. But happily I was running everytime I saw someone supporting which is funny as I really was running half of it and walking half of it!

I'm not sure why I felt so unwell, whether it was having eaten a different breakfast to usual which included an apple and not a banana (perhaps that was too acidic to then have energy gels on top?) or whether it was the oily pasta the day before sitting in my belly, or whether it was just the heat? No idea. Although still not feeling right as since the marathon all I have managed to eat is a tuna roll and half a pizza, which is not a lot considering usually I need two BIG meals!

It was really amazing seeing all my family and friends around the course, it really does give you a lift. and when I realised at about mile 18 that I wouldn't be able to do it in under 5 I decided I would stop and talk to everyone if I could get to them, which I pretty much did! That made it better. Although I really wanted to see my Mum again so she could give me a hug as I felt so unwell, but I missed her.

It's an amazing event, so well organised and really good fun, I'm just a bit disappointed with my time as I have not stopped and walked on any long run since right at the beginning of my training when I was suffering with my left IT band, all my longer runs up to 22 miles I have not needed to walk and all of them would have had me finish sometime between 4hrs 30 and 5hrs so I know I can do it, which I suppose is why it's disappointing. Therefore I will go into the ballot and better my time, I'll try for next year and if not, maybe a different marathon.

Anyway all of us girls managed it in the end and all feel thoroughly proud of ourselves! I am a little bit achey today, but I can still walk which is a bonus!

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