Monday 25 January 2010

I had the weekend off... and feel very guilty!

Weird huh! My very good excuse for not running the planned 12 miles this weekend was the fact that I'm full of cold and still have a horrible cough. I went out when feeling extremely rough on Thursday night and managed the 5 miles (at a fairly good pace for me too), but when I got in, I coughed all night and did not sleep.

Common sense told me not to push it this weekend as I could wreck my immune system altogether or indeed if the cough is on my chest then apparently I could actually die attempting a 12 mile run, which isn't ideal.

So I took the weekend off but the guilt! I feel so guilty and cannot wait to get out training this week to try and make up for it. Still coughing though and nose is still either streaming or bunged up. Have decided to go to the doctor for him to tell me what is sensible, but feel like a fraud, it's a cough for Pete's sake, nothing serious. Better to be safe though and if there's any way to shift this cough quicker than letting it disappear naturally then I'm willing to try it, I have got 13 miles to complete next Saturday!


  1. Enough Stiv, feel bad enough as it is!!!

  2. You listened to my advice! Yay! Take it slow. It's a marathon, not a sprint. He he! Love that quote and this time it's actually true!
