Friday 5 February 2010

My fastest mile to-date!!!

Hurrah! I have just completed my 3 mile fast run today and my second mile was my fastest to-date, I broke the 8 minute mile with a 7.59!!! (I know, I know, only by a second). My fastest mile up until now was 8.18 though, so I'm fairly pleased! Shins hurt though!!!

However, it's fair to say I didn't enjoy it tonight, in fact my worst runs each week are the fast ones as they are so uncomfortable. I'm thinking about time rather than just plodding along and relaxing into my run. Clearly that's the point, but it really makes me dread them.

Which brings me onto Tuesday this week. I didn't log on and write that evening but I had a really enjoyable 7 mile run. It was quicker than my usual and I felt more comfortable at that distance than I have done before. It has given me a bit more confidence for the 10 miler this weekend and made 10 miles feel like it's not as much as a challenge as it once was. I think running 14 last weekend also helped with this.

Anyway other than that this week I also had a spinning class that I thoroughly enjoyed and Wednesday night a half hour cycle (which is a bit of a cheat as it should be at least 45 mins, but I had to get home in time for Home & Away!). Must make up for that next week and Home & Away wasn't as good as I thought it would be!!! Yes you read that right.

Tomorrow is the 'Meet the Experts' day which is run by Virgin London Marathon. I'm looking forward to it, as it should be fairly inspiring stuff and I get the chance to buy some new trainers at good discounted prices!

All in time for a tough week next week...

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