Tuesday 16 February 2010

Phew, another Tuesday over...

Tuesdays are my worst day of the week any way. Monday's you can go to work and still be smiling about what you did at the weekend. You have the usual catch up chats with your colleagues about what you did at the weekend, it's not so bad. Tuesday, the weekend is gone, there are no catch up chats to be had and there is still another 4 whole days of work till the next weekend. And then I have to do my sprints.

I just don't like running fast. I'm no good at it, I feel sick as I'm pushing myself so hard and it takes me the rest of the evening to recover.

Tonight it was 5 x 1200m. Just under 4 miles in all. Barely anything considering I completed 14 miles on Saturday. Yet it was horrible. Painful. Knackering. Bloody hard work.

On the upside however I'm definitely running a little faster than when I started, I don't have to sprint for another week, and it's pancake day and I've just scoffed 3 pancakes, life's not so bad (until next tues at least)!

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