Monday, 29 March 2010

Emotional Rollercoaster

Why does nobody tell you about how emotional this marathon business is? I know it's not just me as the other ladies that I know who are running this year are also feeling the emotional strain. Maybe it's just a girl thing?

I always get a massive low the day after a long run. The day I complete it I'm on top of the world and think I can take on anything! The following day I am close to tears or in tears and like Kevin the teenager - slumped on the couch and unable to do anything! I'm guessing it must be something to do with adrenalin and having a massive adrenalin high straight after the run but then a massive adrenalin crash? Sounds plausible to me.

But then last week, WOW it got even worse! So last week we hit the day when we were able to say "one month to go". And I don't know what it was but I just wanted to cry. No in fact, I did cry. A lot. Luckily my tears were shed on my own in the privacy of my own house. I know Nat struggled and she shed tears at the gym, in her words "in front of everyone, so embarassing" and I know Jane at work has been tearful this past week. I think it has a lot to do with how much hard work I have put in to-date and the pressure of the actual Marathon Day getting closer, the risk of injury, the thoughts that I haven't done enough, the pressure of knowing all these people have sponsored me... it's all nerve wracking and it turns out more than a little emotional and it turns out this is a totally normal feeling! Who knew.

Luckily this week I feel a little less likely to burst into tears at any moment. I also managed to have a whole 6 days off running last week to try and rest my sore knee. Unfortunately I went out for an 8 mile run tonight and the sore knee is sore again. I think it may now be something I am just going to have to put up with. I'll strap it up, keep taking the ibruprofen and keep my fingers crossed that it heals itself.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

What a wonderous run...

So I went out yesterday morning at 7am for the 18 mile run which I was dreading. But get this... I loved it! Not sure how that happened!

In the end I managed to run 18.5 miles and I reckon I could have run a further 2 miles if I'd wanted to.

Think that it had a lot to do with the carb loading on Thurs and Friday, as I didn't even use an energy gel or think to take one out of my pocket. Therefore, lesson is to carb load on Thurs and Fri this week and try and replicate the feeling again... and again... and again... and again... and finally again! (4 long practice runs and 1 marathon to go, wouldn't it be great if all of these runs would be as enjoyable! Here's hoping).

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

I'm a kilomathon champ!

Well I can say I've run a marathon now! I ran my marathon in kilometres on Sunday.

It has to be said. Not my favourite of days! But at last I finally got a big shiny medal for my efforts which has to spur me on a bit.

In all honesty my confidence is a little bit knocked. I didn't realise how hard I would find it on Sunday, what with the nerves, the horrible holding pen at the start of the race, the crowded running space around you and added pressure of not running on your own and the toilet stop judgements. It's really scared me that I'm not going to enjoy the London marathon. And it'll be worse as I'll be running for a further 2 hours on top of what I did on Sunday!

The only positive thing I can think that would help change my enjoyment is that I will know where I am on the route when I run in London as opposed to the Kilomathon where I was running between Nottingham and Derby and had no idea where I was at all, there were no landmarks for me to recognise. Fingers crossed that will make a big difference and perhaps the atmosphere too (although I really think that I'm an unsociable runner,so that's that).

Anyway, I managed to get out and do my sprints yesterday evening 10 x 400m (or 8 x 400m and 1 x 800m). Thought I was going to be sick. I wasn't. And I went to the gym tonight. I need this running malarkey to get easier. I NEED the marathon to get easier!!! So I did lots of core strength stuff as well as cardio bike intervals. Saturday I run 18 miles. It just all has to help. Really it does.

I need to think positive. And try and try to think up toilet tactics methinks...

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

17 miles. Done.

Whoop whoop!!! Should have actually written this on Saturday straight after I'd finished, when I felt like I could conquer the world! That feeling may since have disappeared but I can just about hold onto the distant memory of it. It was painful I'm not going to lie to myself and I definitely won't do that distance again with only 250mls water, but confidence was well and truly boosted!

In total it took 3hrs and 1 minute, but I am pretty sure I could have done it under 3 hrs if I'd had more water. Not that I am putting any more time pressure on myself, as I am over that now and just want to complete the damn marathon in the end. Who cares how long it takes. Well OK I'm not quite over it and I do still care a little bit, but I know I have to stop caring and just try and enjoy it.

Anyway, the good news is that my hip definitely felt better than it ever has at long distance, the pain did come and when it was with me it did reduce me to a walk or a limp for a while, but the difference was that the pain eased off and then disappeared, so it came and went throughout the run and instead of starting to hurt at 8 miles as per usual it was from 10 miles. I'm guessing the Osteopath must have eased the IT band at the hip, which had been so bruised for the week. So more good news in that I'm seeing him again on Thurs this week, so possibly it could get even better (I can but wish!!!)

The other thing that happened since I last blogged, was I bought myself some new trainers, which now need to be tried out and worn in. Just been out for 4 miles this evening, trying them out and they definitely felt different. Will try them again for a longer run on Thursday and see how they feel, in preparation for the Kilomathon I'm running Sunday. Yep that's right 26.2 kilometres (just over 16 miles) from Nottingham to Derby. The upside is if I complete it I get a medal. The downside is I received the start pack in the post and it's all a bit serious (the first words of the pack being 'This is NOT a fun run or for walkers'). Never mind, I am gagging for a medal right now, it feels ridiculous running these long distances every weekend and not getting anything to show for it! So on that note, spare a thought for my training partner Hels, who isn't running with me this weekend and therefore still won't get a medal for all her hard work!!! Just my gratitude will have to do for her then.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

A Happy Run!

Well that's new! I ran 8 miles this evening and thoroughly enjoyed myself! Random.

Running was starting to feel like a bit of a chore but all I can think is that the few days rest and hair letting down moments have done me the world of good and I am running with renewed energy. Any which way, I did 8 miles this evening in 1 hr 17 mins which is the fastest I have run 8 miles in, so am thoroughly chuffed, but mainly because I actually enjoyed it.

Think it also helped that Hels got home from work early tonight so we went out in the daylight as the sun was starting to go down, which again is a new experience as we have only run in the darkness for our evening runs to-date. And also it wasn't raining. Or dare I say it... I'll just whisper it... snowing!

More runs like this please, that would be good. I thank you.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Ahhhh a rest and a slight rebellion...

... a weekend off was the best thing I could have planned! I had a lovely weekend in The Cotswolds with friends and a lot of drink! Beer - hurrah, it's been a while!!!

Then yesterday I went to see the Osteopath about my leg. It hurt. But in a sort of good way. Weird. For example he cracked my spine, urgh and a bit argh, but actually has made me feel great today and I swear I'm walking straighter! He spent ages working on my knee and my hip which is looking a bit bruised and feeling a bit tender right now but I was expecting that. He also tells me my left leg is slightly longer than my right which is probably why my left leg is taking all the strain as apparently it is hitting the floor hard. So he also has put a slight foam foot raise in the heel of my right shoe.

So I went spinning last night which was a good class as I felt like I had loads of energy due to the rest. And tonight I tried out the new foam heel with a 3 and a half mile run. It was supposed to be sprints tonight but here is the slight rebellion... I really wasn't feeling them. So I decided to run the 3 and a half as fast as I could for as long as I could instead of doing the sprints. This was a great tactic as I managed a 7.41min mile! That beats my previous personal best for the mile which was 7.58mins!

So clearly the rest has done me good. I will now be repeating the rest in a few weeks, I feel so much better for it. It has also made up my mind for me that I will not be doing much at all in the week prior to the marathon, (despite my training plan telling me to run 10 miles the weekend before and to still be running on the Tues and Thurs... ) not gonna happen, I REBEL!!!