Tuesday 2 March 2010

Ahhhh a rest and a slight rebellion...

... a weekend off was the best thing I could have planned! I had a lovely weekend in The Cotswolds with friends and a lot of drink! Beer - hurrah, it's been a while!!!

Then yesterday I went to see the Osteopath about my leg. It hurt. But in a sort of good way. Weird. For example he cracked my spine, urgh and a bit argh, but actually has made me feel great today and I swear I'm walking straighter! He spent ages working on my knee and my hip which is looking a bit bruised and feeling a bit tender right now but I was expecting that. He also tells me my left leg is slightly longer than my right which is probably why my left leg is taking all the strain as apparently it is hitting the floor hard. So he also has put a slight foam foot raise in the heel of my right shoe.

So I went spinning last night which was a good class as I felt like I had loads of energy due to the rest. And tonight I tried out the new foam heel with a 3 and a half mile run. It was supposed to be sprints tonight but here is the slight rebellion... I really wasn't feeling them. So I decided to run the 3 and a half as fast as I could for as long as I could instead of doing the sprints. This was a great tactic as I managed a 7.41min mile! That beats my previous personal best for the mile which was 7.58mins!

So clearly the rest has done me good. I will now be repeating the rest in a few weeks, I feel so much better for it. It has also made up my mind for me that I will not be doing much at all in the week prior to the marathon, (despite my training plan telling me to run 10 miles the weekend before and to still be running on the Tues and Thurs... ) not gonna happen, I REBEL!!!

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