Monday, 29 March 2010

Emotional Rollercoaster

Why does nobody tell you about how emotional this marathon business is? I know it's not just me as the other ladies that I know who are running this year are also feeling the emotional strain. Maybe it's just a girl thing?

I always get a massive low the day after a long run. The day I complete it I'm on top of the world and think I can take on anything! The following day I am close to tears or in tears and like Kevin the teenager - slumped on the couch and unable to do anything! I'm guessing it must be something to do with adrenalin and having a massive adrenalin high straight after the run but then a massive adrenalin crash? Sounds plausible to me.

But then last week, WOW it got even worse! So last week we hit the day when we were able to say "one month to go". And I don't know what it was but I just wanted to cry. No in fact, I did cry. A lot. Luckily my tears were shed on my own in the privacy of my own house. I know Nat struggled and she shed tears at the gym, in her words "in front of everyone, so embarassing" and I know Jane at work has been tearful this past week. I think it has a lot to do with how much hard work I have put in to-date and the pressure of the actual Marathon Day getting closer, the risk of injury, the thoughts that I haven't done enough, the pressure of knowing all these people have sponsored me... it's all nerve wracking and it turns out more than a little emotional and it turns out this is a totally normal feeling! Who knew.

Luckily this week I feel a little less likely to burst into tears at any moment. I also managed to have a whole 6 days off running last week to try and rest my sore knee. Unfortunately I went out for an 8 mile run tonight and the sore knee is sore again. I think it may now be something I am just going to have to put up with. I'll strap it up, keep taking the ibruprofen and keep my fingers crossed that it heals itself.

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